COGWA Leadership Development
Welcome to COGWA’s Leadership Website
When you were first called you probably marveled at the idea that you could be a leader. What does it even mean to be a leader? Yes, we know that in the Millennium we are promised that we will become “kings and priests” reigning with Jesus Christ (Revelation 5:10). So, leadership is something in the future, but how does that idea affect us today?
Those in the professional world define leadership many ways, but one description that states it well is “leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal” (Forbes magazine).

In the Church of God, leadership is an opportunity to serve and assist others in their journey as they prepare for the kingdom of God. We are to become like Jesus Christ, who is the Head of the Church. He did not come “to be served, but to serve…” (Matthew 20:28). To be a leader we must first take on the attitude of a servant, then we can learn how to provide Godly leadership in the most effective manner (Philippians 2:5).
In the pages of this website you will be introduced to numerous resources, all designed to help you to develop into a better leader to serve God and His people. It is our desire that we each achieve our full potential of service in the Church of God.